Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D Class Referenceabstract

Node effect renderer class. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/node/node_effect_renderer2d.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D:


struct  EffectPass
 Effect pass configuration. More...
struct  EffectRenderState
 Render state configuration to use with an effect pass. More...

Public Member Functions

void applyEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const Matrix3x3 &worldTransform, const CompositionContentRequirements &requirements, TextureSharedPtr sourceContent)
 Applies the effect on the source content provided as texture.
void beginEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const Matrix3x3 &worldTransform, const CompositionContentRequirements &requirements)
 Begins the effect.
void blitEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, int blendMode, bool needsClear)
 Blits the effect to the current framebuffer.
void endEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Ends the effect.
NodeEffect2DSharedPtr getEffect () const
 Get NodeEffect2D instance where this renderer has been instantiated from.
size_t getEffectPassCount () const
 Gets the number of effect passes.
bool isLayeredOnTop () const
 Whether a compatible effect renders logically on top of its source content.
bool isRenderEffectOnlyEnabled () const
 Whether the effect only mode is enabled.
void restoreResources ()
 Restores resources after the rendering context has been lost.
void setRenderEffectOnly (bool renderEffectOnly)
 Sets the render effect only mode.
virtual bool supportsBlitBlendMode (int blendMode)
 Whether the effect is compatible with a given blend mode.
virtual ~NodeEffectRenderer2D ()
 Declare NodeEffectRenderer2D as not movable nor copyable.

Protected Types

using EffectPassContainer
 Container for effect passes.

Protected Member Functions

EffectPassaddEffectPass ()
 Adds an effect pass and gets a reference to that pass.
virtual void beginEffectOverride (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const Matrix3x3 &worldTransform, const CompositionContentRequirements &requirements)=0
 Begin effect.
void beginInitialEffectPass (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const CompositionContentRequirements &requirements)
 Begins the initial effect pass (effect pass at index 0).
virtual void blitEffectOverride (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, int blendMode, bool needsClear)=0
 Blit effect to current framebuffer.
void blitEffectPass (int effectPassIndex, Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, int blendMode, bool needsClear)
 Blits the effect pass and handles the perspective transform if necessary.
void blitFinalEffectPass (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, int blendMode, bool needsClear)
 Blits the final effect pass, whose index is getEffectPassCount() - 1, and handles the perspective transform if necessary.
void blitIntermediateEffectPass (int effectPassIndex, Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Blits the intermediate effect pass.
void clearRenderTarget (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, NativeFramebufferHandle framebufferHandle, ColorRGBA clearColor)
 Clears the native framebuffer with a given color.
void clearRenderTarget (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, TextureSharedPtr texture, ColorRGBA clearColor)
 Clears the render target texture with a given color.
void configureInitialEffectPass (Vector2 sourceContentSize)
 Configures the initial effect pass.
virtual void endEffectOverride (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager)=0
 End effect.
void endInitialEffectPass (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Ends the initial effect pass, whose index is 0.
void finalizeEffectPasses ()
 Finalizes the effect passes.
Vector2 getEffectInputTexelSize (int effectPassIndex, int inputIndex)
 Gets the texel size of the input effect pass texture in texture coordinates.
EffectPassgetEffectPass (int index)
 Gets a reference to the effect pass at a given index.
int getLastEffectPassIndex () const
 Gets the index of the last effect pass.
bool isInitialPassRenderTargetTemporary () const
 Whether the initial pass render target is temporary.
 NodeEffectRenderer2D (NodeEffect2DSharedPtr nodeEffect)
virtual void onRenderEffectOnlyChanged ()
 Kanzi calls this when the render effect only mode changes.
void releaseEffectPassInputRenderTargets (EffectPass &currentEffectPass, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Releases those temporary render targets used by input that have EffectPass::Input::releaseRenderTarget set to true.
void removeAllEffectPasses ()
 Removes all user-added effect passes, but leaves the internal initial effect pass.
virtual void restoreResourcesOverride ()=0
 Restore resource after rendering context has been lost.
void setLayeredOnTop (bool layeredOnTop)
 Sets whether the effect is layered on top of the source content.

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr int InitialEffectPassIndex
 Effect pass index for the initial pass.

Detailed Description

Node effect renderer class.

See also
NodeEffect2D, NodeEffectPrefab2D, NodeEffectTemplate2D
Kanzi 3.9.0

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ EffectPassContainer

Container for effect passes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~NodeEffectRenderer2D()

virtual kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::~NodeEffectRenderer2D ( )

Declare NodeEffectRenderer2D as not movable nor copyable.


◆ NodeEffectRenderer2D()

kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::NodeEffectRenderer2D ( NodeEffect2DSharedPtr nodeEffect)


nodeEffectNodeEffect2D instance associated with this renderer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getEffect()

NodeEffect2DSharedPtr kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::getEffect ( ) const

Get NodeEffect2D instance where this renderer has been instantiated from.

◆ beginEffect()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::beginEffect ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const Matrix3x3 & worldTransform,
const CompositionContentRequirements & requirements )

Begins the effect.

Call this function before rendering the source content for the effect.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
worldTransform2D affine world transform used by the node.
requirementsRequirements for the effect contents.
Kanzi 3.9.7 bundle requirements to struct.

◆ endEffect()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::endEffect ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager )

Ends the effect.

Call this function after rendering the source content for the effect.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.

◆ applyEffect()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::applyEffect ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const Matrix3x3 & worldTransform,
const CompositionContentRequirements & requirements,
TextureSharedPtr sourceContent )

Applies the effect on the source content provided as texture.

This is an alternative to beginEffect() and endEffect(). Call either applyEffect() or beginEffect() followed by endEffect(). Do not mix them during the application of an effect.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
worldTransform2D affine world transform used by the node.
requirementsRequirements for the effect contents.
sourceContentSource content as a texture. You can use this in place of the initial effect pass. The texture must include a one-pixel wide transparent black padding around the content.
Kanzi 3.9.8.

◆ blitEffect()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::blitEffect ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const QuadDescription & effectQuad,
const Matrix3x3 & transform,
const Matrix4x4 * perspectiveMatrix,
const Matrix4x4 * projectionMatrix,
int blendMode,
bool needsClear )

Blits the effect to the current framebuffer.

Call this function after NodeEffectRenderer2D::endEffect when you want to blit the effect to screen. You can use this function to implement perspective projection, if you provide the relevant matrices.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
effectQuadPotentially clipped effect quad honoring the NodeEffect2D::getEffectQuadPadding to use for rendering the effect.
transform2D affine transform to use for rendering the effect quad.
perspectiveMatrixOptional perspective matrix to use.
projectionMatrixOptional projection matrix to use when rendering with perspective transform.
blendModeThe blend mode to use for the effect blit.
needsClearWhether the current render target needs to be cleared before rendering.
Kanzi 3.9.1 data type of the blendMode parameter changed from GraphicsBlendMode to int.

◆ restoreResources()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::restoreResources ( )

Restores resources after the rendering context has been lost.

◆ getEffectPassCount()

size_t kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::getEffectPassCount ( ) const

Gets the number of effect passes.

The number of effect passes.

◆ setRenderEffectOnly()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::setRenderEffectOnly ( bool renderEffectOnly)

Sets the render effect only mode.

When enabled, compatible effects render only the effect without the source content.

renderEffectOnlyWhether to render only the effect. Default is false.
Kanzi 3.9.8.

◆ isRenderEffectOnlyEnabled()

bool kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::isRenderEffectOnlyEnabled ( ) const

Whether the effect only mode is enabled.

If effect only mode is enabled, true, otherwise false.
Kanzi 3.9.8.

◆ isLayeredOnTop()

bool kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::isLayeredOnTop ( ) const

Whether a compatible effect renders logically on top of its source content.

If effect is rendered on top of its source content, true, otherwise false.
Kanzi 3.9.8.

◆ supportsBlitBlendMode()

virtual bool kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::supportsBlitBlendMode ( int blendMode)

Whether the effect is compatible with a given blend mode.

See blitEffect(). If an effect is not compatible with a blend mode, you must composite that effect and use the blend mode when blitting the composite. All effects are compatible with the GraphicsBlendModePremultipliedAlpha blend mode.

blendModeThe blend mode to test.
If the effect is compatible with the blend mode, true, otherwise false.
Kanzi 3.9.8.

Reimplemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D, and kanzi::ShadowEffectRenderer2D.

◆ beginEffectOverride()

virtual void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::beginEffectOverride ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const Matrix3x3 & worldTransform,
const CompositionContentRequirements & requirements )
protectedpure virtual

Begin effect.

Should be called before the source content for the effect is rendered.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
worldTransform2D affine world transform used by the node.
requirementsRequirements for the effect contents.
Kanzi 3.9.7 bundle requirements to struct.

Implemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D.

◆ endEffectOverride()

virtual void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::endEffectOverride ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager )
protectedpure virtual

End effect.

Should be called after the source content for the effect has been rendered.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.

Implemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D.

◆ blitEffectOverride()

virtual void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::blitEffectOverride ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const QuadDescription & effectQuad,
const Matrix3x3 & transform,
const Matrix4x4 * perspectiveMatrix,
const Matrix4x4 * projectionMatrix,
int blendMode,
bool needsClear )
protectedpure virtual

Blit effect to current framebuffer.

Should after NodeEffectRenderer2D::endEffect when the effect should be blitted to screen. Can be used to implement perspective projection if relevant matrices are provided.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
effectQuadPotentially clipped effect quad honoring the NodeEffect2D::getEffectQuadPadding to use for rendering the effect.
transform2D affine transform to use for rendering the effect quad.
perspectiveMatrixOptional perspective matrix to use.
projectionMatrixOptional projection matrix to use when rendering with perspective transform.
blendModeThe blend mode to use for the effect blit.
needsClearWhether the current render target needs to be cleared before rendering.
Kanzi 3.9.1 data type of the blendMode parameter changed from GraphicsBlendMode to int.

Implemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D.

◆ restoreResourcesOverride()

virtual void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::restoreResourcesOverride ( )
protectedpure virtual

Restore resource after rendering context has been lost.

Implemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D.

◆ onRenderEffectOnlyChanged()

virtual void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::onRenderEffectOnlyChanged ( )

Kanzi calls this when the render effect only mode changes.

Reimplemented in kanzi::OutlineEffectRenderer2D.

◆ clearRenderTarget() [1/2]

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::clearRenderTarget ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
TextureSharedPtr texture,
ColorRGBA clearColor )

Clears the render target texture with a given color.

rendererRenderer3D to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
textureRender target texture to clear.
clearColorColor to use for the clear.

◆ clearRenderTarget() [2/2]

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::clearRenderTarget ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
NativeFramebufferHandle framebufferHandle,
ColorRGBA clearColor )

Clears the native framebuffer with a given color.

rendererRenderer3D to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
framebufferHandleFramebuffer handle to use.
clearColorColor to use for the clear.

◆ addEffectPass()

EffectPass & kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::addEffectPass ( )

Adds an effect pass and gets a reference to that pass.

Adding an effect pass invalidates references to previously added effect passes. You must add at least two effect passes. The first pass renders the contents into a render target texture, and the last pass blits the effect result.

EffectPass reference to the just added effect pass.

◆ getLastEffectPassIndex()

int kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::getLastEffectPassIndex ( ) const

Gets the index of the last effect pass.

The index of the last effect pass or InitialEffectPassIndex if there are no effect passes added by user.

◆ getEffectPass()

EffectPass & kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::getEffectPass ( int index)

Gets a reference to the effect pass at a given index.

indexIndex of the effect pass.
Reference to EffectPass instance at the given index.

◆ removeAllEffectPasses()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::removeAllEffectPasses ( )

Removes all user-added effect passes, but leaves the internal initial effect pass.

◆ finalizeEffectPasses()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::finalizeEffectPasses ( )

Finalizes the effect passes.

Call this function after you have added and configured all effect passes. This function sets EffectPass::Input::releaseRenderTarget and in debug build checks whether all render pass outputs are in use.

◆ beginInitialEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::beginInitialEffectPass ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const CompositionContentRequirements & requirements )

Begins the initial effect pass (effect pass at index 0).

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
requirementsRequirements for the effect contents.
Kanzi 3.9.7 bundle requirements to struct.

◆ endInitialEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::endInitialEffectPass ( CompositionStack & compositionStack)

Ends the initial effect pass, whose index is 0.

compositionStackCompositionStack to use.

◆ blitIntermediateEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::blitIntermediateEffectPass ( int effectPassIndex,
Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager )

Blits the intermediate effect pass.

If intermediate effect passes exist, blit them in order starting from index 1 to getEffectPassCount() - 2.

effectPassIndexIndex of the effect pass to use.
rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.

◆ blitFinalEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::blitFinalEffectPass ( Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const QuadDescription & effectQuad,
const Matrix3x3 & transform,
const Matrix4x4 * perspectiveMatrix,
const Matrix4x4 * projectionMatrix,
int blendMode,
bool needsClear )

Blits the final effect pass, whose index is getEffectPassCount() - 1, and handles the perspective transform if necessary.

rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
effectQuadPotentially clipped effect quad honoring the NodeEffect2D::getEffectQuadPadding to use for rendering the effect.
transform2D affine transform to use for rendering the effect quad.
perspectiveMatrixOptional perspective matrix to use.
projectionMatrixOptional projection matrix to use when rendering with perspective transform.
blendModeThe blend mode to use for the effect blit.
needsClearWhether the current render target needs to be cleared before rendering.
Kanzi 3.9.1 data type of the blendMode parameter changed from GraphicsBlendMode to int.

◆ blitEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::blitEffectPass ( int effectPassIndex,
Renderer3D & renderer,
CompositionStack & compositionStack,
CompositionManager * compositionManager,
const QuadDescription & effectQuad,
const Matrix3x3 & transform,
const Matrix4x4 * perspectiveMatrix,
const Matrix4x4 * projectionMatrix,
int blendMode,
bool needsClear )

Blits the effect pass and handles the perspective transform if necessary.

effectPassIndexIndex of the effect pass to use.
rendererRenderer to use.
compositionStackCompositionStack to use.
compositionManagerCompositionManager to use.
effectQuadPotentially clipped effect quad honoring the NodeEffect2D::getEffectQuadPadding to use for rendering the effect.
transform2D affine transform to use for rendering the effect quad.
perspectiveMatrixOptional perspective matrix to use.
projectionMatrixOptional projection matrix to use when rendering with perspective transform.
blendModeThe blend mode to use for the effect blit.
needsClearWhether the current render target needs to be cleared before rendering.
Kanzi 3.9.8

◆ getEffectInputTexelSize()

Vector2 kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::getEffectInputTexelSize ( int effectPassIndex,
int inputIndex )

Gets the texel size of the input effect pass texture in texture coordinates.

You can call this function only after the source effect pass has obtained a valid render target.

effectPassIndexEffect pass index.
inputIndexInput index.
Size of texel in texture coordinates.

◆ releaseEffectPassInputRenderTargets()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::releaseEffectPassInputRenderTargets ( EffectPass & currentEffectPass,
CompositionManager * compositionManager )

Releases those temporary render targets used by input that have EffectPass::Input::releaseRenderTarget set to true.

currentEffectPassReference to the effect pass whose referenced render targets to release if necessary.
compositionManagerCompositionManager used to get the temporary render targets.

◆ isInitialPassRenderTargetTemporary()

bool kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::isInitialPassRenderTargetTemporary ( ) const

Whether the initial pass render target is temporary.

See applyEffect().

If the initial pass used a temporary render target, true, otherwise false.
Kanzi 3.9.8

◆ configureInitialEffectPass()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::configureInitialEffectPass ( Vector2 sourceContentSize)

Configures the initial effect pass.

sourceContentSizeSize of the source content.
Kanzi 3.9.8

◆ setLayeredOnTop()

void kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::setLayeredOnTop ( bool layeredOnTop)

Sets whether the effect is layered on top of the source content.

layeredOnTopIf layered on top of the source content, true, otherwise false.
Kanzi 3.9.8

Member Data Documentation

◆ InitialEffectPassIndex

constexpr int kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D::InitialEffectPassIndex

Effect pass index for the initial pass.

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